Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Why is it so important that students learn about world religons?

Its important because there are alot of religons like hinduism or buddhism or any other one and you get to learn new things about it and it is very important to learn about them because you never know in the future what your husband is going to be or if your going to need it for your future because it is good to know about it and how it effects our country and it could be fun learning different things about world religon like for example when are the events taken place or what do they eat and after they eat what do they do on there spare time. If they students want to learn more about the world religon they can ask there parents if they know about it or they can also go to the libary and check out some information about it and about the events that happen and occur. Also they should learn more about it because it sounds very interesting and fun to learn about. If you ever went to these countries im sure you will like them and enjoy what they do in there time and im sure when they come back they would want to come back to the place that they were before because I know I would love to go back to that place cause it sounds very interesting. I would love to go to these places they look fun and interesting to go to and you get to learn alot about there culture

I made this on my own no websites

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Symbols for Buddhism

The Frist symbol is:

1.) Bodhi Tree-refers to the tree under which the Buddha achieved enlightenment

2.) The Lion- is one of Buddhism's most potent symbols. Traditionally, the lion is associated with regality, strength and power

Holidays and Festivals

There are alot of festivals in buddhism one is called Bodhisattvas in the Mahayana tradition. The most interesting event is in may on the night of the full moon. Another one is Typically on a festival day, lay people will go the the local temple or monastery and offer food to the monks and take the Five Precepts and listen to a Dharma talk. In the afternoon they bring food to the poor so that the poor people have something to eat and that they dont starve there self. Then after that The day will conclude with evening chanting of the Buddha's teachings and meditation.

There are more festivals:
1.) Buddhist New Year-In Theravadin countries, Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Laos, the new year is celebrated for three days from the first full moon day in April.

2.) Pavarana Day-the kathina ceremony is held, during which the laity gather to make formal offerings of robe cloth and other requisites to the Sangha.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Rituals for Buddhism

sadhaka or dharma student performs three prostrations, also known as three gates or three aggregates. They consist of the body and the speech of there mind. As they do this the students they surrend there selfes to the buddas in the past,present and in the future as well.

After they pray and do all the stuff that they needed to do they express there joy and they ask the buddha to teach them new things that they have no clue about. Also right after they pray they go in peace and do what there told to do instead of praying all the time

Then after they are told what they are doing they have to sleep and wake up in the morning.
There are many deaths in Buddhism and they have to go because its there time and even though its hard your going to have to realize that there in a better place

The Basic of Buddhism

The person that found this religon is Buddha Siddhartha. It was orginated in northeastern India and it also came from southwestern Nepal. The title of the leader is Dalai Lama and hes the leader for buddhism. The current leader for buddhism is: Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso. He is the most visiable leader of buddhism however everyone has there own leader. They can worship at home or inside a temple it isnt concentered going to a temple and worshiping others